

博彩网址大全, 通过招生,并与学术服务和部门协商, awards transfer and prior learning credit in accordance with the State University of 新 York transfer credit policies. Transfer and prior learning credit is defined as college credits from other sources such as another post-secondary institution, 大学先修课程(AP), 国际文凭(IB), 克莱普和唐太斯, 军事经验, 以及在高中获得的大学学分. 所有之前的学习学分均由世纪挑战集团转学. 学生将被告知先前获得的学习学分.

      (a)学生每门课程只能获得一种学分. 例如, 已经通过CLEP/DANTES获得学分的学生, AP/IB或ACE, 不符合通过投资组合获得信贷的资格.

      (b) 世纪挑战集团不保证通过先前学习获得的学分的可转移性.


Those students wishing to receive transfer and/or prior learning credit must follow the published 转移学分和先前学习学分程序.

    · 大专院校学分

    · 大学先修课程,国际学士学位,CLEP和DANTES

    · 军事经验

    · 由美国以外的机构授予的转学分

    · 审查信用

    · 工作经验/作品集评估

因为世纪挑战集团接受的学分不能转移到其他机构, students should meet with a representative of the transfer institution regarding the status of these credits.

学术系主任, 或被任命者, 谁负责监督这门学科,评估课程的同等学习效果.



(1) 大专院校学分: Credit is granted for courses completed at another post-secondary institution which is recognized by an accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. 教育部或高等教育评审委员会,(e.g.美国中部大学和中学协会、美国教育委员会等.). 所有其他由美国高等教育机构认可的学分.S. Department of Education approved regional accrediting association will be accepted if they apply to the established curricula of 博彩网址大全.

      (a) Acceptance or denial of transfer credit is not determined exclusively on the basis of the mode of delivery. 世纪挑战集团 will consider course equivalencies by reviewing if expected learning outcomes are substantially equivalent to 世纪挑战集团’s curricula and standards.



(2) 军事学分学生可能有资格获得军事经验的转学分. Credit hours completed in the military are granted as recommended by the American Council on Education (ACE) or Department of Defense (DOD) and are accepted up to the number of hours required by the degree program minus 24 residency credit hours required at 世纪挑战集团. 那些在军队服役的人, 以前和现在的学生, 应通过 联合服务记录(JST)网站; or if Air Force, through the 空军社区学院成绩单申请系统 并提交给退伍军人服务办公室,该办公室与招生部门合作授予学分. 如果学生不能提供正式的军事成绩单, DD-214可以提交给退伍军人服务办公室进行审查和评估.

(3) 大学先修课程,国际学士学位,CLEP和DANTES: 学院认可大学先修课程, CLEP和DANTES课程由美国大学理事会提供. 国际学士学位成绩也有资格转学分. 学生必须向招生办公室提交正式的考试成绩报告. Specific scores and minimum scores required follow the College Board recommendations and SUNY Policy as detailed on our website.

(4) 世纪挑战集团部门考试学术部门可能会为熟练程度或学分提供考试. 在那些选择举办院系考试的院系中, an exam for proficiency may be used to fulfill prerequisites for advanced courses or satisfy other requirements. 熟练程度考试不产生任何课程学分或成绩. The academic department giving the examination will determine the minimum standards for successful completion of an exam for proficiency. 此外,院系学分考试可用于获得课程学分. The academic department giving the examination will determine the minimum standards for successful completion of an exam for credit.

Credit(s) earned by departmental exam do not earn grade point average (GPA) points and are reflected only within the student's cumulative credit totals on the transcript (not within the term in which the student completed the exam).

通过部门考试获得的学分计入总学分, 但不计入学生在世纪挑战集团居住期间必须获得的最低学分数.

Please contact the department chairperson to determine if credit by examination is available for specific courses.

(5) 从非学分培训转换的学分:例子包括非学分培训 through 世纪挑战集团's 经济 Development and Innovative Workforce Services Division or from other community college non-credit programs. 学分由相关学术部门评定.

(6) 由美国以外的机构授予的转学分: All credits earned outside the United States must be evaluated by a third party credential evaluation service. 学生有责任让第三方评估他们的学分. 世纪挑战集团 will award credit from evaluations from the World Education Services (WES) and Educational Credential Evaluators (ECE).

(7) 工作经验/作品集评估

由学生准备的文件,支持对特定世纪挑战集团课程的先验知识的声明. 例子包括通过工作经验获得的学习, 专业执照和证书, 义工经历,包括社区活动和青年组织. 投资组合信用是一种推荐的方法

Portfolio Credit will be reviewed on an individual basis for verifiable college level learning acquired other than at 世纪挑战集团 and may be granted under the circumstances below.

      (a)入学攻读学位或证书课程的学生, 至少有三到五年的工作经验.

      (b) Students may request an evaluation any time after acceptance into an 世纪挑战集团 degree or certificate program.

      (c) Individual academic departments will determine which courses are available for portfolio assessment. 课程必须适用于世纪挑战集团所需的学位或证书课程.

      (d)组合课程将收取费用. 一旦费用被学生账户处理, 作品集审查过程将由学生所在部门的指导老师继续进行.

      (e) The mechanism to assess a student’s portfolio for prior learning will be determined by the department granting the credit.
          1. The student will first meet with a departmental faculty/advisor from whom credit is being sought to examine the student’s portfolio and determine the best method to assess the student’s credentials. The academic department faculty must be acknowledged as having the appropriate subject matter expertise. (院系可选择委任“学科专家”或成立检讨委员会.)
              i. The evaluating faculty member will review the Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) for the course for which credit is being sought, and determine whether the student’s portfolio documentation demonstrates that 75% of the CLOs for the course have been met through the student’s prior learning experience.
              ii. 类似于授予AP/IB学分的过程, CLEP, ACE或军事(国防部成绩单)学分, 批准的组合学分将在成绩单上注明“T”.“不会记录成绩,也不会影响平均成绩.
      (f) A student selecting the portfolio evaluation method to earn credit is required to enroll in a Portfolio Development Course 课程需要发展).

      (g)学生目前就读的课程不会获得作品集学分, 或者他/她以前获得过学分或审计过.


      (j) A student selecting Portfolio as a means to earn Prior Learning Credit must first complete ENG 101 or ENG 200 or equivalent.

      (k) Students who are denied credit for a course following portfolio evaluation may not petition for credit again for that course by portfolio evaluation unless there has been significant change/addition of documentation.

(1)所有竞争性招生项目的课程学分(例如.g., Nursing) may have an expiration date for the grade to be considered when the applicant is accepted for admission.


(3) When an 世纪挑战集团 prerequisite course grade does not meet 世纪挑战集团 transfer credit standards (C or better), the prerequisite course will not be accepted for credit even if the next course in the sequence may be accepted.