Summary of Alcohol and Drug Program 的优势 and 弱点

The review committee conducted a comprehensive study of the alcohol and drug policy, related programs, services and enforcement practices for academic years 2018-2019 and 2019-2020. The review committee determined that Monroe 社区 College is in compliance with the Drug Free Schools and 校园 Regulations, has an effective Drug and Alcohol Prevention Policy, consistently enforces standards of behavior related to alcohol and drug abuse, and distributes the policy annually in writing to students and employees.


The review committee identified several strengths on campus:

  • MCC recently hired a Credentialed Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Counselor (CASAC) certified counselor.
  • MCC reviews conduct issues related to drug and alcohol use and develops programming to address trends and prevent future instances of violations.
  • MCC has developed and maintains a drug prevention policy.
  • MCC distributes the policy annually to each student and employee.
  • MCC provides services and activities to promote a strong alcohol-free and drug-free campus environment.
  • MCC conducts a biennial review of its drug prevention program. During the review, the College brings together all offices that have responsibility or provide services related to drug and alcohol prevention to review all programs and services, determine effectiveness, implement necessary changes, ensure that disciplinary sanctions are enforced, and to ensure full compliance with the law and that the needs of the students are met.
  • MCC tracks the number of drug- and alcohol-related offenses and referrals for counseling, health services, and counseling treatment.
  • The collaboration and communication by our many offices, 部门, and student groups to address alcohol and other drugs with our Behavioral Early Alert Team (BEAT), Resource Committee Recovery/Substance Abuse sub-committee, 健康 Services at-risk assessments, 住房 and Residence Life programming, and academic courses are some examples of the innovative and intentional approach to alcohol and drug prevention program.


With these strengths, the committee has also identified future initiatives to continue our efforts regarding alcohol and other drug education for our campus community.

  • 员工 hired and students enrolled after the annual policy distribution date are not receiving the annual notification.
  • A formal assessment for gathering and interpreting student and employee survey data is not conducted.