
MCC警报系统用于发送紧急情况, 保护行动, 给学生的安全和其他与大学有关的提醒, 员工, 和游客. These important messages are sent to protect lives and assets while minimizing campus disruptions.




Specific questions about MCC Alerts can be addressed to MCC’s Technology Support Center at 585-292-8324 or xTECH.

Q. Will the MCC ALERT system replace other methods of communication that the College uses to notify the college community of emergency information?

The MCC Alert system augments other means of communication, which include emails; college phones in offices, 实验室, and classrooms; the College website; social media; notification of news media; etc. Depending upon the emergency, one or more of these communication channels will be used.

Q. 在什么情况下我可能会收到MCC警报? What type of emergency/safety information will be broadcast?

Alerts can be sent in a variety of emergency situations (see list below) and in the case of certain college functions. Subsequent alerts may be sent to convey that the situation is resolved (e.g. “All Clear”) and/or to provide follow-up or additional information.


  • Civil Disturbance—a large group disrupting normal campus activities
  • Fire—large-scale structural fire, wildfires, local community or industry fires that endanger campus.
  • Hazardous Material—a dangerous material spilled or spreading from a contained area
  • Major Road Closing/Incident—an unanticipated event that would disrupt safe passage to and from an MCC campus
  • Medical Emergency—a pandemic or event with mass casualties
  • Personal 安全—situations that include use of weapons and/or violence. 任何情况下, 校内或校外, 在学院的判决中, constitutes an ongoing or continuing threat to a person or property.
  • Suspicious Package—reasonable belief that a package may contain a dangerous item or substance that would cause harm to persons or property.
  • Utility Failure—a major disruption or damage to utilities including gas, electrical or water.
  • 天气-恶劣的天气条件,包括洪水, 雪暴风雪, 严重雷雨, 风, 龙卷风或飓风.

Q. 如何注册MCC警报系统?

If you are a student or employee of 博彩网址大全, you and your MCC email address are automatically in the MCC Alert system. To add phone numbers or other email addresses, simply log into, click on the “Sign up for MCC Alert” link in the MCC Alert area on the home page, and update personal contact information at the MCC Alert Contact Information link.

Please note: if you choose to receive notifications via text and/or voice messaging, you agree to incur any applicable costs from your carrier for receiving these messages. 另外, 通过添加或更新联系人信息, you will be agreeing to the MCC Alert privacy statement and to receiving notifications from MCC Alert at the contact information provided. 

Q. 一旦我注册了,我还需要再注册吗?

No. You will be asked for periodic reconfirmation of your contact information at the beginning of each semester. This may sound unnecessary, but is actually for your protection. 注册只需要几分钟, but the time spent could one day prove useful to you in the event of an emergency.

Q. 我如何更新我的信息?

你可以进入 并在必要时及时更新你的信息.

Q. 我提供的联络资料会否受到保护?

Any contact information submitted through the MCC Alert system at MCC will only be used to subscribe college community members to the MCC Alert system and other support service functions on your behalf at MCC.

Q. Does it matter how many phones and in what order I enter them when I sign up?

You will be allowed to enter up to three telephone numbers, two email addresses (your MCC email address is automatically included), 还有三个短信号码. They can be your local, work, home, cell or other number. The order doesn’t matter since the system will dial them all at about the same time.

Q. Can parents, spouses and others sign up to receive MCC Alert notifications from MCC?

Individuals who are neither students nor 员工 can sign up via the MCC Alert社区注册门户.

Q. Will it cost me anything to participate in the MCC Alert system?

学院不收取MCC Alert参与者的费用. 没有注册和取消费用. Charges associated with your cell phone plan may apply; check with your cell phone carrier or your cell phone contract.

Q. Will I automatically be enrolled in the MCC Alert system once I sign-up?

MCC students and 员工 are signed up automatically with their MCC email address only.  Any additional contact information will need to be added by you according to the instructions above.  Contact information that you add is uploaded to the system twice each day.

Q. 谁被授权发送紧急/安全信息?

The MCC Alert system will be used only by authorized campus personnel to send emergency messages, 包括紧急保护措施, warnings and post-incident information related to personal safety on the campuses.

Q. What happens if I don't answer the phone when an emergency notification is sent out?

The alert is automatically set to call back the phone if a voicemail system is undetected. 将尝试三次回调. If the phone has voicemail, a verbal voicemail message will be left.