
健康 and Wellness Coach (National Board for 健康 and Wellness Coaching)

A National Board Certified 健康 and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC) must complete 36 hours of continuing education related to health and wellness coaching every three years. The following courses are offered for NBHWC 继续教育 Credit.  所有课程都提供大学学分, 是可转让的, and may be applied to the Wellness Coaching and 健康 Management AS degree program at 博彩网址大全.

Wellness Coaching and 健康 Management, AS Program


National Board for 健康 and Wellness Coaching

Only the sections listed may be used for NBHWC 继续教育 Credit.

PPE 208 - Wellness, Exercise, and Sport Psychology


As the demand for enhanced physical performance continues and the focus on Wellness grows, the cognitive or mental aspects within wellness and 体育活动 is exposed. Wellness, Exercise, and Sport Psychology has evolved through this need. 具体地说, this course will relate the application of conventional psychological areas (personality, 动机, 侵略, 等.) to the arena of wellness and 体育活动. The application of psychological skills to performance and wellness is also an essential element of this ever-changing field.

纽约州立大学通识教育: 纽约州立大学-社会科学

MCC通识教育: MCC-CT -批判性思维(MCT), MCC-SCI - Scientific Reasoning (MSCI), MCC-SSD - Social Science and 多样性 (MSSD)

PPE 272 - 多样性 and Equity Issues in 健康 and Wellness


This course explores the issues of race, class, 和性别 from an interdisciplinary and humanistic perspective as they apply to health and wellness. The student will develop an understanding of the historical and contemporary societal factors that impact individuals and group identity. Further examination of social structures in the development of concepts such as power, 特权, oppression and opportunity will be explored in both global application and in the development of health and wellness in current society. 学生将使用自我检查, 社会分析, 文本反思, 电影和媒体, as well as 案例研究 to develop the critical knowledge, 的态度 and skills necessary to recognize and understand the diversity of perspectives, 需要, 预期 and behaviors impacting health and wellness in multicultural populations.

纽约州立大学通识教育: SUNY - 多样性: Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice, SUNY - Humanities

压电陶瓷250 SL1 - 健身 and Wellness


A course designed to provide an enhanced fitness and wellness experience. The content includes the assessment of present fitness level and the development and practice of a balanced, individualized physical fitness program. 另外, the course provides a theory based and practical experience in Stress Management and explores the roles of Stress and Exercise on Wellness. The online section(s) of this class require outside 体育活动 and testing.

学生 压电陶瓷/ PPE 250 may take one, but not both, of the following courses in addition to this course: Pec 148, Pec 253. 学生可以获得学分 压电陶瓷250 or PPE 250, but cannot earn credit for both courses because they are equivalent courses.

MCC通识教育: MCC-HW -卫生和保健(MHW)

HEG 200 - Multicultural and 多样性 Influences in 健康 and Wellness


This course will allow students to develop an understanding of the historical and contemporary societal factors that impact individual and group identity in healthcare and wellness, examining inequality in health care systems and society, considering the dimensions of race, class, 和性别. Students will develop critical knowledge, 的态度, and skills necessary to recognize and understand the diversity of perspectives, 需要, 预期, and behaviors impacting health and wellness in multicultural populations. The class will explore strategies that promote policy change and systemic equity through self-examination, 社会分析, 案例研究, 能力建设技巧. Students will use evidence-based strategies to propose future policy changes that promote equity-based healthcare.

纽约州立大学通识教育: SUNY - 多样性: Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice

MCC通识教育: MCC-GLO - Global Understanding (MGLO), MCC-SSD - Social Science and 多样性 (MSSD)

HED 110 - Disease Prevention and 健康y Lifestyles


This course is designed to identify factors that contribute to the most common lifestyle diseases (cardiovascular disease, 癌症, 中风, 糖尿病, 慢性肺病, 骨质疏松症, 焦虑和抑郁), and common infectious diseases (influenza, 性传播感染和艾滋病毒). 健康 promotion and disease prevention measures will be discussed with focus on nutrition, 体育活动, 情绪健康, 压力管理, 个人选择和行为. Upon completion of the course the student will have a balanced health and wellness plan.

MCC通识教育: MCC-HW -卫生和保健(MHW)