

作为一个在巴基斯坦长大的孩子, MCC alumna Rimsha汗 was introduced to Rochester while visiting family during summer vacations. Her parents had always told her they would move to the United States when she was ready to begin college. 这一举动发生在2009年夏天, 使梦露社区学院成为她在美国的第一所教育经历.

尽管可汗对这个地区已经有些熟悉了, 事实证明,在罗切斯特生活是一种完全不同的经历. 而在一个新环境中开始上学的想法有点可怕, 她用在世纪挑战的第一个学期来适应这些变化. 最终, 可汗参加了校园俱乐部和组织, 例如学生会, 是什么帮助她结识朋友的.

汗是由MCC的一名学生兼家族朋友介绍到荣誉学院的. 这位朋友帮助她选课,并把她介绍给学生会. "I was excited about the unique classes that the regular sections didn't offer," said 汗. “我真的很高兴我及时发现了这个荣誉项目."

汗, who was quickly drawn to the honors courses because the professors made her think outside the box, 她在MCC的四个学期中有三个学期参加了荣誉课程. “老师们真的很好,”她说. "We interacted with them more than in regular courses and the material provided the opportunity to talk to them more and get greater insight. 这些课程也给了我们一个更好地了解其他学生的机会."

据汗说, her professors helped students relate to them by bringing more information about their personal life and education into the classroom. 因为学习的过程更加舒适, 学生们发现更容易分享他们的经历.

汗 particularly enjoyed the research projects that focused on hydrofracking and the religion of Hinduism. "Working on these projects provided hands-on experience and opened our eyes to what is going on in the world,她说. "It was more than just gaining experience on the subject matter; it also allowed us to challenge our presentation skills as we had to present our findings to classmates."

当被问及她会给未来学生的建议时, 汗 said she would tell them that it will challenge them more and encourage conversations that don't occur in the course of everyday life. She added that the research projects are valuable and that the entire experience will make students look good as transfer applicants.

可汗整个夏天都在哈佛上了一门课. 她认为荣誉学院给了她勇气和动力去申请. 当秋季学期开始时, she will continue her classes at the University of Rochester where she is majoring in political science. After earning her undergraduate degree 汗 wants to go to law school and eventually become a corporate lawyer.


麦肯齐玛丽亚, 她是罗切斯特人,毕业于博彩网址大全的荣誉项目, 第一次涉足人类学是在拉巴斯的街道上, 玻利维亚, 她在那里采访人们,了解他们的生活与她的生活有什么不同.


但她对了解他人和文化的热情已经开始显现. "I interviewed shoeshine boys and mothers selling vegetables even as they cared for their kids,她回忆道. “我对那里孩子们的生活的了解让我感到惊讶. 他们很年轻就开始工作. That confused me; I didn't understand why that would happen."

麦肯齐's continued quest for knowledge reflects an upbringing that always emphasized education and knowledge. 玛利亚说:“我从小就喜欢学习. “我母亲来自玻利维亚, 从很小的时候开始, 她总是鼓励我尽可能多地去体验. Especially with regards to education—to continually push myself and learn beyond the textbook."

所以当她的同龄人不停地给闺蜜发短信时, 麦肯齐, 谁从一年级开始就在家接受教育, 如饥似渴地读书,吸收知识. 她在15岁时获得了高中文凭. Prompted in part by a career counselor's advice, she enrolled at MCC to take its honors courses. 使自己适应不熟悉的有组织的课堂学习环境, 她开始得很慢,只选了一门人类学课程.

“我立刻意识到荣誉学院是我的归属,”她说. "I'll never forget sitting in class during some of my first Honors 课程 and realizing that I was surrounded by fellow students and professors who were just as serious and passionate about learning as I was. "The 荣誉学院 classes brought out the best in me and my fellow students,她说. “每个学生都是为了在最高水平上学习. 没有人是为了成绩而努力,我们都是为了学习而努力."

她特别高兴地回忆起她的第一位人类学导师. “他把我们逼到了极限. 他会给我们上人类学课,然后敦促我们做到最好. 他的话一直留在我的脑海里. 直到现在他还在激励着我."

麦肯齐's memorable and challenging educational experiences at the 荣誉学院 not only prepared her for excellence at MCC, 也是为了她追求卓越教育的下一步. 从MCC毕业后,她转到康奈尔大学学习人类学.

今天, she speaks about a desire to go into business – so she can continue learning anything and everything. 无论她的事业走向何方, 她对卓越学习的承诺, 挑战她的极限, 不会动摇. 正如麦肯齐所说:“我能做的最坏的就是我最好的."


当乔什·托切罗第一次考虑他的大学选择时, 他设想在康奈尔大学或罗切斯特大学获得学士学位. 从博彩网址大全开始这段旅程是有意义的. 在选择大学的时候, 乔希认为,MCC的荣誉学院将提供他所渴望的挑战. 他是对的.

他说:“世纪挑战集团的荣誉学院提供了一条我想要的要求更高的道路。. “班级很小。. 学习的速度很快. And the need to be fully engaged in course discussions and in the entire learning process made the demands and the rewards even more intense."

杰克 especially appreciated the high-energy learning environment and the commitment of MCC's professors who teach 荣誉学院 courses. 据杰克说, 班级规模甚至比MCC的标准还要小, 教授们把注意力集中在个别学生的长处和需要上. 这些课程也强调要求写作作业, 杰克说, 帮助他达到更深层次的理解.

在这种紧张的个人环境中, 乔希说,他和教授们的关系越来越亲密,因为他们努力去了解他. 他们对学生的承诺是明确的. 这些教授分享了特定领域的知识和, 在这个过程中, worked to prepare students fully for even more rigorous challenges in their continuing studies and careers.

One 荣誉学院 experience that stood out for 杰克 was an honors seminar on critical analysis that taught logic and reasoning through a focused examination of the assassination of President John F. 肯尼迪. 乔什和他的同学对李·哈维·奥斯瓦尔德进行了侧写, 分析了他被杀的后果, 并讨论了这一历史性事件是如何展开的. In the process, they learned a great deal about how to frame and argument and use logic to test it.

杰克, 现在是MCC的校友, 是康奈尔大学的学生吗, 学习应用经济学和管理学. MCC's 荣誉学院 experience played a major role in his decision to apply there because the demanding honors courses prepared him well for the rigors of Cornell. 乔希相信,即使从康奈尔大学毕业,他在荣誉学院的经历也会给他带来回报. 毕业后, he expects to work for a few years before pursuing a Master's in 业务 Administration and a law degree.

“世纪挑战集团是一个很好的跳板,”他说. "You can get a great education and go on to something even bigger – without the huge financial burden."


从16岁起,蒂莫西·高拉就开始周游世界. He ran children’s camps in American Samoa and New Zealand and spent time with orphans in Haiti. 回到美国.S.他帮助纳瓦霍家庭建造了一座传统的家园. 通过他多年来的多次旅行, he developed a keen curiosity about the interplay of different cultures in contemporary society.

在世纪挑战公司,他在那里拿到了3分.9日平均绩点, he trod paths less taken by his peers to seek opportunities to enhance his understanding of cultures. 例如, 在他的第一学期, 他参加了《博彩网址大全》, 这是一项针对即将入学的非洲裔和西班牙裔男性的学生保留计划. “这让我进一步培养了文化意识,”他谈到自己的经历时说.

现在是A.A. degree in Liberal Arts and Sciences-Humanities and Social Science and a certificate in Advanced Studies, Timothy of Penfield is a step closer to achieving his dream of becoming a cultural anthropologist. 他获得了多项国家和地区荣誉, 包括杰克·肯特·库克基金会奖学金. 他是全国仅有的60名获得该奖项的学生之一, 哪个提供最多30美元,为了获得学士学位,我每年要花1000美元. 今年秋天,他将进入阿默斯特学院学习人类学.

As he begins the next chapter of his life, MCC will continue to hold a special place in his heart. 蒂莫西是家中第四位从世纪挑战大学毕业的成员. 这个家庭传统可以追溯到他的祖父, 弗雷德里克·艾伦, 谁在1980年获得了消防技术学位. His grandmother, Lois Allen, followed, with a certificate in audio visual technology in 1989. 两人都是沃尔沃斯的居民. 他的弟弟, 约翰Gaura, 谁住在彭菲尔德, 2007年毕业,获放射学学位.

在完成本科教育之后, 蒂莫西希望参加联合国青年专业人员方案, a highly competitive initiative designed for people interested in becoming an international civil servant. 除了, he intends to pursue a master’s degree through the Peace Corps Master’s International program and ultimately obtain a doctoral degree.