
军事 学费 Assistance (TA) is a source of financial aid for active duty military and is awarded to Service members under the assumption that they will complete the entire period of enrollment for which the assistance is awarded.

An eligible Service member who decides to use TA will be enrolled only after the TA is approved by the individual’s ESO, 军事顾问, 或服务. Questions concerning this should be directed to the MCC Assistant Director of 经验丰富的s Services.


When a Service member officially or unofficially withdraws (stops attending classes – the last date of attendance will be the last day of activity within a course), they may no longer be eligible for the full amount of tuition assistance that they were originally scheduled to receive.

Once the last date of attendance has been determined, the College will recalculate the Service member’s TA eligibility based on the formula below:

Number of Days of the Term Completed divided by the 总计 Days of the Term = Percent of TA Earned

的 amount of TA earned is determined on a prorated basis.  For example, if a student completed 30% of the course, they earned 30% of the TA funds awarded.  的 remainder of the unearned funds (70%) would be returned to the TA program.  Calculated unearned funds will be returned by the College to the 军事 Service and not to the Service member.

的 calculation for the return of funds may result in the Service member owing a balance to the College. This return of funds calculation aligns with the return of unearned student financial aids rules applicable to Federal Student 援助 rules as required under HEA, 第484B条和34CFR 668条.22.

Service members who withdraw after the 60% point in the semester will have earned all 军事 TA funds.

If a Service member stops attending due to a military service obligation, the College will work with the affected Service member to identify solutions that will not result in student debt for the returned portion.

Students receiving TA funds and contemplating a complete withdrawal from the College may direct their questions to 经验丰富的s Services if they are concerned about financial implications.


  • 第一周之前:100%退货
  • 在第1周:99-93%的回报
  • 在第2周:92-86%的回报
  • 在第3周:85-79%的回报
  • 在第4周:78-73%的回报
  • 在第5周:72-66%的回报
  • 在第6周:65-57%的回报
  • 在第7周:56-50%的回报
  • 在第8周:49% -41%的回报
  • During week 9:  40% return (60% of course is completed)
  • 在第10-15周:0%的回报


的 estimated cost of books and supplies is $0 - $1,000 per semester. Note that some programs require specific supplies or equipment that may go above this estimate.


的 following cost of attendance estimates identify common expenses a typical full-time student may incur during the academic year.  While actual expenditures may vary by student, these estimated amounts can help plan an annual budget.


学费 $4,756
费用 $1,148
房间 & 董事会 $10,000
个人 $1,200
运输 $1,500
总计 $18,604


约翰尼·艾萨克森和大卫·P. 罗伊,M.D. 经验丰富的s 健康 Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020 requires educational institutions to make certain disclosures to students using federal military and/or VA educational benefits. To view and print a copy of an estimated personalized cost of attendance you can visit the SUNY净价格成本计算器 从下拉菜单中选择门罗. Additional financial information can be found at the  National Center for 教育 Statistics (NCES) College Navigator site.

的 SUNY 金融援助 Plan (FAP) will provide a more in-depth analysis and accurate picture of student cost once the student has filed their FAFSA, 完成了纽约州立大学的申请, 并已被一所大学录取.


博彩网址大全 will disclose the rate in the event the CDR rises above the national average.  世纪挑战集团目前的CDR为5.3%.



美国.S. 退伍军人事务部 offers a wide range of benefits for the veterans of our country, 服务人员, 以及他们的家人.  Benefits administered by the VA include:

  • 补偿及退休金
  • 教育
  • 医疗保健
  • Vocational Rehabilitation and 就业
  • 房屋贷款
  • 幸存者的好处
  • 人寿保险

欲了解更多信息,请访问 U.S. 退伍军人事务部.


形式 for a variety of benefits administered by the U.美国退伍军人事务部.



Discover majors and in-demand careers and education based on your interests or skills gained from prior learning and work experience. 经验丰富的s can find civilian careers related to their military occupation by using 职业教练.